Saturday 13 September 2014

Work Diary - Line


Whilst taking photographs of lines, it was difficult to find them within buildings and pavements etc., because they're things I look at and see everyday, so I don't particularly notice the specific detail of them. However, I was able to identify various types of lines once I began to look more closely. 

I think the photo above is the best photo I took. This is because it shows the lines within the bricks of the steps, but also a shadow of a few diagonal lines. Also, the steps themselves can be seen as a set of lines structured into stairs. I like this photograph because when I look at it I know that straight away it is not meant to represent the stairs, otherwise I would have captured all of them. Also, I think it demonstrates lines well because it shows different types throughout the steps, but also lines that are created elsewhere through the shadow. 

I think this photo is the worst photo that I took because it isn't obvious what the photo is meant to signify. When I look at this photo, I immediately think "bright and orange", I don't think about lines. Even though we can see the scratchings and marks of lines, it isn't clear that the photo is all about them because the colour is so vibrant. To improve this photograph I would attempt to make the lines of the scratchings and marks more apparent, by zooming in further to show them closely, or try to catch shadows to make the photo darker so all distractions are taken away from the colour of the image.


If I were to continue with this topic, I would try to capture photos with more variety and difference between them. I would look for more curved, ridged or arched lines rather than just straight lines. Also, I would bring my camera closer to the object or zoom in more to show the lines in the picture more evidently. Equally, if I were to take more photographs of lines, I wouldn't take the subject so literally and specifically, by capturing photos of every line I come across. Instead, I would attempt to produce different photos that are unique but still represent "lines" clearly,  even though they make you think more and give you a chance to figure out what the photograph is showing. These are some of the Line photographs that i have found on the internet which i aspire to achieve if i ever add to this topic:

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