Thursday 2 October 2014

Image Bank - Movement

Internet Images

I chose the image above because we are able to see the woman's face in focus, as well as the blurred movement of where she has moved her face from one place to another. I like this photo because it is mysterious, particularly as it is in black-and-white, and also the blurred image resembles a ghost, which adds an eerie feeling. 

This is a different style of movement photography, as it shows the girl at every dance position. We can see that the dancer is performing, but the photographer has been able to capture a series of photographs in a sequence to show the each dance step and movement she makes. I like this because we are able to see the movement from every single stage of the dance, and therefore the photo isn't only blurred, but adds detail.

This is another photograph of movement, which I'm assuming has been taken from a car or fast vehicle of some sort, as it has been taken in the middle of the road, and due to the extreme blurring around the edges it suggests the movement is fast. This photo is interesting because we are able to see the scenery in detail, but we are also able to see that it represents movement because it is blurred. I like that this photo gives you a sense of actually being there with the photographer.

I chose the image above because it is so busy, and therefore interesting. I like that we are able to see some of the people clearly, but others really blurry and out of focus, displaying the speed they are moving. This also shows who is rushing and moving fast, in comparison to those who aren't. Also, I like that the image is in black-and-white because it makes it look old fashioned, even though it is of a modern setting.

I liked this photo a lot, which is why I chose it. The reason for this is that the blur of where the girl has moved really quickly in a spin, wraps around her as though it is part of her dress, and so it looks like the skirt of her dress is twice the size it actually is. I also like that her face is in focus and that we can see it clearly, so we are able to see that she is happy because she is smiling. The first thing we look at is her face, as it is centered, which makes the feel of the image happy too. We are able to see movement clearly within this image because of the blurred circle forming around her.

This photo appealed to me because the center of the image is in focus, so we can clearly see a man walking down the pathway towards the camera. Whereas the vehicles that are on either side of him are blurred, because they are moving quickly away from the camera. This photo is even more interesting because the vehicles are colourful, and so the blurred image they create through movement is almost just a strip of different colours. 

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